Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's never too hot for tea

Tea - Orange Spice,Stash Tea

It's just barely June and we've already crested the 90's well on our way to the triple digits with completely unreasonable heat indexes. Does that mean it's too hot for tea? Not by a long shot. I'm enjoying a few minutes of quiet time while the Monsters play the Leapfrog Explorer off in another room. How better to spend my time than filling an online cart with sweet summer teas. I'm low on Orange Spice, which is mostly just an excuse to place a tea order. For summer time, I like my day time teas over ice. I also tend towards the herbal infusions for a lighter fruity taste over something like a stout English Westminster or Super Irish Breakfast. I'm not above mixing my herbals with a nice simple black when I want some caffeinated kick to my brew.

While I really love the varieties that Stash Tea offers, I really hate their website. I can shop to my hearts content, but inevitably, when I reach the cart to check out, the amounts are all 50g instead of 100g, even though that's what I selected to add to the cart. What's worse, I can't click on the tea name to get back to that tea's page. My only option is to delete the tea in the cart and do a search, sorting through the endless amounts that pulls up to find the 100g version to add to my cart. It is an extremely irritating shopping experience! I like their tea and their prices, but after spending 20 minutes filling a cart, I'm about to cancel and go shop someone else for a change rather than redoing all that madness.

I think it's time to surf around for another tea vendor.

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